Palau is for Palauans
Palau has many wonderful things going for it. It is the most developed independent nation in the region. It is a leader in conservation and a prime example to the world on what can be done. And yet even with all that is right with the country, native Palauans migrate overseas by the masses. It's an issue no one is discussing. Perhaps because it's an issue we fear to accept as a reality. There are two ways of addressing this problem. Instill in the minds of the Palauan people that the quality of life at home is better then that of living abroad. Or, hyper focus all our efforts to grow the economy thus improving the quality of life. It very well may take both approaches to keep Palauans in Palau. Asia Outlook provides an insightful overview of economic activity in Palau. There is much room for improvement. Aside from growing the economy, the island nation must operate more efficiently. A respectable amount of money does indeed flow into the Palauan economy. The proble...